ADA Compliant Bottom & Side Hinged Chute Intake Doors
Ensuring our chute intake doors accommodate everyone, The Chute Doctor offers both the bottom-hinged and side-hinged intake doors in compliant configurations. With varying requirements we offer doors having an ADA compliant lever handle with less than 5# effort on bottom hinged doors with less than 15# pull, which an inspector is allowed to accept, should they choose. Next is the same door with a 5# effort to open, making it fully ADA compliant. And last is our push button pneumatic door system for the maximum in usability and compliance. All doors may be located to place the handle 38” and 48” above the floor, depending on door size, complying with both forward and side reach handle height requirements. Our pneumatic chute intake doors come with ADA compliant palm buttons. If you require pneumatic controlled replacement doors and complete upgrade systems, please contact us for more information.