Building codes now require all chute doors be inspected and certified annually!* This is because chute doors are vital to your building's fire safety. Trash, recycling and linen chute doors need to be the correct type, be fire-rated, and function properly.
The Chute Doctor’s experienced professionals are trained to inspect and certify your chute door and door assemblies for proper functioning and code compliance. We attach certification stickers to doors that pass inspection so they are available for fire and insurance inspectors. In addition, our office maintains records of all chute fire door inspections and certifications for compliance needs and for emergencies.
If Repairs Are Needed
If any doors do not pass inspection, our technicians provide you with a report detailing repairs or replacements necessary to meet these requirements. The Chute Doctor's experts can take care of the necessary work, then provide the chute door certification. If you have us do the repairs, re-inspection and certification is included free of charge.
For your convenience, we contact you each year to schedule your property for the required re-inspection and certification.
Get Fire Door Certification FREE
We provide annual chute door inspection and certification FREE if you have a service contract with us for chute door maintenance. Without a maintenance contract, annual chute fire door inspection and certification is $35 per door, plus travel (more for doors with electrical interlocks or pneumatic operation).
*See 2010 NFPA 80 section
Our Service Areas
We provide chute fire door inspection and certification in Los Angeles; Orange, Imperial, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, Kern, and Santa Barbara Counties; San Diego; Central California; and Arizona. We travel further on request – please call.